Equity Task Force
Governor Pritzker has a strong agenda for ensuring that economic prosperity reaches underserved communities and creates opportunities across the state for all citizens by removing barriers for economically disadvantaged populations. Two avenues exist to move these priorities forward; the response to Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order 2019-03 – An Action Agenda for Workforce Development and Job Creation and the priorities within A Plan to Revitalize the Illinois Economy and Build the Workforce of the Future. Both rely on data-driven approaches to establish goals and inform policy that will reduce equity gaps. Building on this direction, the WIOA Unified, Regional and Local Plans along with the Perkins State Plan all have guiding principles for equitable access and opportunity for all populations.
As equitable access is a fundamental principle within the Plans as well as a high priority of the Governor, a Task Force made up of Lake County Workforce Development Board members and partners will come together to develop a framework of recommendations within Lake County’s’ workforce system to establish goals and improve inequality for the populations we serve. The taskforce shall be in place for one year unless requested by the board to be extended further.
Ways in which a Task Force under the direction of the Lake County Workforce Development Board will address equity and inform policy, include:
- creating shared definitions for a set of key terms addressing equity;
- developing education and workforce tools that can track program access and outcomes-and that disaggregate data by race, gender, and target population to reveal disparities in policies and programs;
- examining programs, policies, and practices and then infuse issues of equity and inclusion into these programs, policies, and practices;
- establishing equity goals; and
- making recommendations regarding inclusive and diverse approaches including professional development of staff to ensure they use an equity lens in serving their diverse populations.
Inclusive Leadership Campaign
The Lake County Workforce Development Board and Equity Task Force have launched a new Inclusive Leadership Campaign. As we have learned, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is vital in creating and maintaining a successful workplace. In the spirit of continuing education and the conversations that took place during the Board’s Inclusive Leadership Institute (ILI) the Board’s Equity Task Force is encouraging Board Members and Equity Task Force Members to share how they have leveraged the activities learned during the ILI that encourages inclusivity in their workplace. Together, we can continue to support progress in the DEI space and illustrate the Board’s inclusive leadership in action.
Dr. Carlotta Roman, Board Vice Chair and Equity Task Force Chair, kicks off the new Inclusive Leadership Campaign by sharing what she is doing both personally and professionally to highlight inclusive leadership in action.
Task Force Members
Dr. Carlotta Roman, Co-Chair
Founder and Principal DEI Change Strategist
Collective Career Consulting, LLC
Jennifer Serino
Lake County Workforce Development
Jennifer Cooper
Placement and Alumni Manger
Youth Conservation Corps
Christine Hammerlund
Assured Healthcare Staffing
Robbie Randle
Special Services Manager
Waukegan Township
Bethany Williams
Strategy & Intelligence Director
Lake County Partners
Gabrielle Devlin
Department Chair of Equity and ESL
Grayslake District 127
Kimberly Wimer
Human Resources Manager
Laser Precision
Maria Nava
Community Engagement Manager and
Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Warren Newport Library, Gurnee
Cliff Smith
Career Specialist
Lake County Workforce Development
Christina Gardner
Multicultural Retention Coordinator
College of Lake County
Rodolfo Ruiz-Velasco
Multicultural Student Center
College of Lake County
Carolina Fabian
Family and Community Engagement Coordinator
Waukegan Public Schools