The Lake County Workforce Development Board is appointed by the Chief Elected Official in every workforce area.
By law, local Workforce Development Boards are required to maintain at least a 51% representation from the business sector. The intent of this law is to develop a workforce development system based upon local business needs, which is accountable to all customers.
The remaining board membership includes entities representing labor organizations, education and training providers, economic and community development, and the public sector. Diversity is sought between small and large businesses, type of services and industry, and geographical location.
Each Board member has the responsibility to participate in at least one committee.
The Workforce Board has expanded upon the priority of services to best prepare a more inclusive workforce to meet the employer demands of today and industry talent needs of the future.
In order to better inform the public at large, including employers, job seekers, and community partners throughout Lake County, about the Workforce Board itself as well the many available services offered, a comprehensive marketing communications program has been put in place.
To learn more about the Lake County Workforce Development Board, or if you are interested in being appointed to serve on the Board or one of its committees, please contact Jennifer Serino at or 847-377-2234.